
Christmas Eve Weather: A Message from Bishop Sean

Dear Friends,

Once again this year, Christmas Eve finds us in the midst of hardship. In some places in our partnership, particularly in the Buffalo area, blizzard conditions have made it difficult and even unsafe to gather tonight for Christmas Eve services. It is hard not to feel frustration and even grief at our inability to be together in what was supposed to be our first year back to normal after two years of pandemic-related Christmas disruptions.

Please know that I support your clergy and lay leaders in making the decisions about Christmas Eve that are right for your community and your congregation. Weather conditions vary greatly across our region right now, and as always, the safety of God’s people is our first priority. If it is not advisable for you to travel to church tonight, please stay warm and safe at home.

Scripture tells us that the child born this night in Bethlehem is called Emmanuel, which means, “God with us.” Tonight, whether we prepare our hearts for the Christ Child at home or at church, God is with us.

Christmas blessings to you and all those you love,