
Chat from Asset Based Community Development Workshop

00:25:38 Cathy Dempesy-Sims: Please mute your computer/tablet/phone. If you don’t know how, just shout and we’ll help you. Thanks so much!
00:30:53 Vanessa Butler: Mark 6:37-43 – But he (Jesus) answered them, ‘You give them something to eat.’ They (the disciples) said to him, ‘Are we to go and buy two hundred denarii worth of bread, and give it to them to eat?’ And he said to them, ‘How many loaves have you? Go and see.’ When they had found out, they said, ‘Five, and two fish.’ Then he ordered them to get all the people to sit down in groups on the green grass. So they sat down in groups of hundreds and of fifties. Taking the five loaves and the two fish, he looked up to heaven, and blessed and broke the loaves, and gave them to his disciples to set before the people; and he divided the two fish among them all. And all ate and were filled; and they took up twelve baskets full of broken pieces and of the fish.
00:35:44 Rebecca Wilson: Feel free to note gifts you hear in the chat!
00:36:39 Tamara Plummer – she/her: There is a desire to connect with the community and people in the congregation who knew the needs of the community
00:36:40 Leslie DeLooze: collaboration
00:36:44 David Fulford: People who knows the need.
00:37:04 karen gengo: open minded thinking
00:37:12 Mark Babcock: tapping into congregation members who were community leaders
00:37:23 karen gengo: ask questions
00:38:31 Patricia Guinn: identified needs
00:38:52 Jenn C. ( Trinity – Warren ): reached out to potential recipients
00:39:03 Cathy Ritz: link with community groups
00:39:10 Cathy Dempesy-Sims: Don’t they to tackle everything at once
00:39:15 Tamara Plummer – she/her: were able to collaborate because they weren’t focused in their own spaces.
00:40:15 Jenn C. ( Trinity – Warren ): determined the desire and need were a fit and figured out how to make it happen
00:40:32 Cathy Ritz: involve the church families
00:40:37 karen gengo: incorporated both parishes in the process of being givers
00:40:53 Ann Tillman: I love the connection between communion and service!
00:41:44 Jenn C. ( Trinity – Warren ): this is the same process I we t through when I founded diapers and such 🙂
00:46:39 David Fulford: Having financial resources on hand can be helpful. At St. Augustine of Canterbury we give 10% of our budget to our Outreach committee to help them have funding they can use to help local, national and international charities and organizations.
00:49:32 Rebecca Wilson: If you have questions about the initiatives in Hermitage and New Castle, PA, you may contact The Rev. Jason Shank at
00:53:38 Rebecca Wilson: Learn more about ABCD here:
00:54:12 Jenn C. ( Trinity – Warren ): thank you Jason, you might be hearing from me in the context of Diapers and Such at Trinity Memorial in Warren, pa
00:55:37 jasonshank: Sounds good, Jenn. Would love to talk and hear about your ministry!
00:58:15 Rebecca Wilson: Here’s how you can reach Tamara: Tamara Plummer,,
01:03:46 Rebecca Wilson: people, property, programs, purse, posture
01:18:01 David Fulford: Even with small efforts we can make a difference in people’s lives.
01:18:23 Jenn C. ( Trinity – Warren ): diapers and such is on Facebook at
01:22:18 Rebecca Wilson: Questions for breakout conversations:
What are you good at? (hands/head/heart)
Who are you connected to? Network of relationships; groups, institutions
Who or what would you like to be connected to?
Who are you? What do you value and how do you express that toward others?
01:32:58 Jenn C. ( Trinity – Warren ): the furry flashes are my dog orca
01:33:05 Claudia Scheda: my connection is wonky–i’m trying to keep in and keep up
01:35:37 Rebecca Wilson: